The Appalachian State University Counseling Center and Wellness Center provide the following services to address sexual assault issues:
Clinical Intervention and Emergency Response for the Victim/Survivor
A. Counseling Center staff provide a 24 hour on-call system when classes are in session. Counselors will respond by meeting the student in the hospital emergency room or, in some cases, the Student Health Center. Since many assault survivors prefer to see a female counselor, our female staff will make themselves available to respond. The bottom-line concern for Counseling Center staff in such situations is the emotional well-being and support of the student and to establish a plan for possible follow-up psychological services. The student is encouraged, but not pressured, to file charges against the perpetrator, to complete a physical examination and rape kit, and to participate in follow-up care.
B. The Counseling Center provides training and maintains a cooperative and close working relationship with the independent local rape crisis center, OASIS.
C. The Counseling Center provides a Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse Survivors Group. The group is open to students who have been sexually assaulted and are seeking a supportive and therapeutic environment to work through and heal from their experience.
D. The Counseling Center attempts to facilitate dissemination of information on what services are available and making appropriate referrals in both directions to allow the survivor to have choices and regain a sense of control. Cooperation and knowledge of resources facilitates the ability of a knowledgeable and sensitive person to act as a support for the student while allowing the university and legal authorities to do their investigative and (potential) prosecutorial jobs.
E. Individual, couples, or family therapy is provided free as needed to student sexual assault survivors.
F. Short-term crisis intervention may be provided to significant others of survivors.
G. Information is published and distributed in brochures, pamphlets, and flyers about assistance for students who are sexually victimized, including information about rights, emergency and longer-term support and services, and contact information both on-campus and in the community to Freshman Seminar classes, residence hall programs, athletes, fraternities, and sororities.
H. The rape protocols for the Counseling Center for managing responses to alleged sex crimes are distributed to the public and are available in the Counseling Center.